R & D
Research and Development Cell
R & D Cell Overview
R&D Cell which aims to nurture research culture in the College by promoting research in newly emerging and challenging frontier areas of Engineering, Technology, Science and Humanities.
It encourages the students and faculty to undertake the research in newly emerging frontier areas including multidisciplinary fields. This enhances the general research capability of budding technocrats by way of participating in conferences, seminars, workshops, project competition, etc. The major responsibility of this cell is to create the work place to attract the best talent among students and faculty members.
1.To create awareness and opportunities in Research and Development among the faculty and students and to create Research and Development atmosphere in every department.
2.Aiming significant number of patents through research in newly emerging areas of engineering including all multidisciplinary fields.
3.Getting funds from well-known funding agencies, each department takes interest in submitting their proposal regularly.
4.Motivating faculties and students to publish their papers in referred journals.
5.Encouraging students to exhibit their projects at leading expo.
6.Signing of MOU with industries and institutes for projects and training.
7.Sponsoring faculty members to attend conferences, seminars, workshop etc.
8.Promoting Institute –Industry Interaction.
9.Conducting researches that contribute to the development of human resources who can play a leading and core role in society.
10.Ensuring quality research through standards.
11.To enhance skill development training and self employment opportunities.
12.To conduct research work and survey for identifying entrepreneurial opportunities for our students and to organize talent show, in-house exhibition, stall, etc.business
Research and Development Committee Formation:
The R & D committee comprises of faculty members from various departments in the Institution. This committee oversees the smooth and efficient co-ordination of research and development activities in the Institution, thus fostering overall growth. The members will contribute towards enhancing research and development at Adithya Institute of Technology.
1. The R & D Committee will plan, promote & evaluate R&D activity like funded R&D projects and consultancy projects at the Institution level.
2.The R&D cell measures the attainment of achievements and recommends the performer for appreciation.
TA senior faculty heads this cell in the capacity of R & D Coordinator, with the Principal providing advisory support.
The constitution of the committee is as follows
- Chairman : Principal
- Co-Chairman : R & D Coordinator
- Members : Single point of contact (SPOC) from every department.
- Each department has the department member who will monitor the R& D activities of the department.
The constitution of R & D Cell | |||
SI.No | Name | Designation | Role |
1. | Dr. D. Somasundareswari | Principal | Chairperson |
2. | Dr.S.Selvam | R & D Co-ordinator | Professor/MECH |
3. | Mr.M.Perarasan | Member | AP/Civil |
4. | Ms.VM.Rupilaa | Member | AP/CSE |
5. | Ms.Parameswari | Member | AP/ECE |
6. | Mr.Muthukumar | Member | AP/ECE |
7. | Ms.B.Janani | Member | AP/IT |
8. | Mr.R.M.Udhaya Chandran | Member | AP/Mech |
9. | Ms.S.Krishnaveni | Member | AP/MBA |