CADD Engineering Laboratory


Computer software’s are used in all disciplines for various applications. Likewise in civil engineering field also various software’s are used for many applications like Surveying, Analysis, Designing and Drawing, Quantity calculations, and costing … etc. of civil engineering structures. For more infrastructural here….

 Concrete and Highway Engineering Laboratory


The objective of this laboratory is to provide an environment for students to examine the properties of construction material such as concrete, Coarse Aggregate and Fine Aggregate. Through various experiments the properties of both fresh and hardened concrete can be examined thoroughly. The strength, performance and behavior Bitumen is also examined.For more infrastructural here

Surveying Laboratory


The Surveying laboratory aids in the development of knowledge about Survey field techniques to civil engineering students. Laboratory comprises of instruments for measurement Heights and Distances of the features present on the surface of the Earth. For more infrastructural details. click here

Soil Mechanics Laboratory


In many engineering problems such as design of foundation, retaining walls, slabs, bridges, piles, sheet piling- the value of the internal friction, cohesion of the soil, particle size are required for the evaluation of the strength and deformation characteristic as well as permeability characteristics of the soil media. For more infrastructural here

Strength of Materials Laboratory


 To expose the students to the testing of different materials under the action of various forces and determination of their characteristics experimentally. For more infrastructural here

Fluid Mechanics Laboratory


Upon Completion of this subject, the students can able to have hands on experience in flow measurements using different devices and also perform calculation related to losses in pipes and also perform characteristic study of pumps, turbines etc., For more infrastructural here…

Environmental Engineering Laboratory