The SC/ST Committee of Adithya Institute of Technology is constituted with the purpose to empower the SC/ST students in the college. The Committee provides support to the students belonging to such communities to bring them to the main stream. The cell also makes sure that the students avail financial support to these communities from government agencies and other sources. They are also encouraged to enroll for soft skill and career orientation programs, which would equip them to choose a career option. The cell ensures special care for them in their departments in the form of mentoring and remedial coaching classes.
Objectives of the Committee
- Provide guidance to the SC/ ST students in academic and personal issues in college life. Ensure them a safe and secure environment.
- Provide prompt counselling for any emotional emergencies arising on account of any event in the campus.
- Provide mechanism to redress the grievance of SC/ST students, if any Ensure protection and reservation as provided in the constitution of India. *Arrange special opportunities to enhance the career growth.
- To make them aware regarding various scholarships program of State Govt. and UGC.Take measures to achieve the objectives and targets laid down by the Govt. of India and the UGC.
- To collect reports and information of State Govt. and UGC’s orders on various aspects.
- Function as a Grievance Redressal Cell for the grievances of SC/ST students and employees of the Institution and render them necessary help in solving their academic and administrative problems.
- To deal with the representations received from Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates regarding their admission, recruitment, promotion and other similar matters in the Institution.
- To circulate Government of India orders and Commission’s decisions and to collect information in respect of appointment, training of these communities in teaching and non-teaching posts in the Institution in suitable forms by a stipulated date and take follow up action where required.
- To collect reports and information regarding the GOI orders and the various aspects of education, training and employment of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes candidates ,for evolving new policies or modifying existing policy by the commission.
- To monitor the working of the remedial coaching scheme in the Institution.
- To Analyse information on admissions, education, training and employment of SC’s and STs prepare reports and digests for onward transmission to the Ministry of Human Resource Development/ University Grants Commission and such other authorities as may be required.
- To maintain a register for grievances of SC/ST in the Institution for the members belonging to these communities.
Process of Submitting the Complaint
Any aggrieved employee/student belonging to the reserved category can reach out to the Committee
1.By sending an email at or
2.Through the online portal provided on the website of the Institution or
3.By lodging a complaint in the register kept with the Principal’s office
Grievance Mechanism
- On receiving a complaint, the Committee shall commence a meeting within fifteen days of receipt of complaint.
- The committee shall fix a date of hearing the complaint which shall be communicated to the aggrieved person.
- The aggrieved party may either appear in person or submit written averments of his/her case before the Committee.
- The Committee shall report its findings to the Principal with recommendations if any, within a period of thirty days.