Mission Statement of VLSI Club:

The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering supports the mission of the Institute through all its practices and conduct. As a leader in innovation, the VLSI laboratory should be equally innovative, inspiring and somewhat lofty, but VLSI club mission is barely a mission at all.


Vision Statement of VLSI Club:

VLSI is committed to bring the best experience to students, educators, creative professionals and consumers around the world through its innovative hardware and software.


Faculty Incharge:









Ms.K.P.Jamunalaksmi , AP/ECE


Student Members:

Secretary :                MAHAMUNI IV ECE ‘A’

Joint Secretary:         APARNA III ECE ‘A’

Treasurer:                  VISHNU PRIYA IV ECE ‘B’

Office Bearers:          SANJAY III ECE ‘B’ & ANANDTH II ECE



*It is the combination of hardware and software.

*VLSI are used in Ic designing, simulation, portable IC’S etc.

*Software that we are using is xlinx,model sim etc.

*We use FPGA KIT.



*Students are being trained on VLSI like xlinx, model sim.